I know this is going to come back to bite me, but today was a relatively fast day. Shane’s counts are back up, he gained 6.6 ounces and grew a half inch! He continues to tolerate his treatments and still has some hair…for now.
Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Shane enjoyed his First Easter watching his siblings hunt for eggs and their baskets, while he sifted through his own basket. We spent the weekend enjoying the company of our family and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Tomorrow we head to CHOP to begin a week long treatment., Read More
Poppy and I took Shane for his 3rd treatment today. It was a LONG 6 hour day . The doctors agreed the tumor is smaller, so that was good to hear. It coincides with Shane’s behavior as he is playing more and is in even better spirits (if you imagine that).The reason our day, Read More
Words cannot express how thankful we are for all support and donations we have received for Shane. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you to our family, friends-from childhood, high school, college, work, neighbors, friends of our friends, friends of our family, those whom we have never met and to those who wish, Read More
After Shane’s diagnosis, the doctors were adamant about us trying to lead normal lives. While, it’s not easy to wake every morning and realize that this nightmare is your life, we are trying out best. So, today we spent the morning watching Chase’s first baseball game of the season and took Ella to her, Read More
Today Shane is 9 months old! He is doing fantastic, except for the teething. He spent the day going to a nature reserve class with his sister Ella.
Paul and I weren’t the only ones affected by Shane’s diagnosis. Chase (6) and Ella (3) have had their lives changed forever and they don’t even know or understand it completely yet. When we found out I was pregnant, Chase knew it was a boy and affectionately called him “razor mouth” after a shark., Read More
Every Wednesday is chemo day for us now. Today, Shane had his first outpatient treatment. We were there from 9:30 till noon, which is great time for CHOP. Poppy took us down and stayed with us. His counts were decent. His neutrophils are low, meaning he is at risk for infection, but his bone, Read More
On March 28, 2014, our 8 month old son was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer. Through his strength, we fight for Shane’s future days. On July 11, 2013, our family became complete with the addition of a 8 lb. 8 oz. blue eyed little boy named Shane Joseph. He melts your heart with his long lashed eyes, Read More
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