Day 1 It’s here…September. For most, it’s the new beginning of another school year. Some parents are full of worry as their kids begin, hoping they like their teacher, find friends and flourish during the school year.We have those same thoughts, but most of all September brings us back to the most difficult part of, Read More
Join us Saturday October 19th as we run, get muddy and have some fun for Shane’s Future Days at the Tough Mudder Tri State. Whether it is your first Tough Mudder or you have done them before, come join us for a great cause and experience. All ages and fitness levels welcome, it is, Read More
As Paul mentioned at our 5th annual COL, we are funding a summer intern. Also, in honor of Kanen Wear, Hurrikanen Fights Back, and in memory of Antonio Santos, Stay Strong Antonio, Shane’s Future Days has donated $2,000 to a Ewing’s Sarcoma project. All of this has been through Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute.
Today is Shane’s 6th birthday. He would be SIX. I can’t really wrap my head around this. We are often asked how we celebrate such a sad milestone. Honestly, each year is different. We have a simple tradition of having a cake based on a theme he liked or what we think he would enjoy. This, Read More
We want to thank everyone that came out to the event yesterday. To those that couldn’t make it out and sent in donations, thank you! It was a huge success. We raised close to $20k this year. Weather was perfect. Turnout was terrific. It was wonderful seeing old and new friends. So much thought, Read More
A huge “Thank You” to Pat Morris and St. Joseph’s University soccer program for donating a basket to our 5th annual Celebration of Life, which includes a certificate for a day/night camp fee and SJU swag!
Thanks to 5 Wits for supporting us! #youradventureawaits#beyourownactionhero #youradventureawaits #adventure#escaperoom#escapegames
We have an amazing “Night Out in Philly” basket that contains a $100 gift certificate to La Famiglia Ristorante and tickets to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Thank you to both La Famiglia and Philadelphia Museum of Art for your donation to our 5th annual Celebration of Life!
Our 5th annual Celebration of Life is THIS Saturday!If you haven’t registered, please do so before 6/14 to be entered to win a Yeti raffle prize:See comments for the link This event is not possible without the love and support from our family, friends and our community. This event is like planning a birthday, Read More
For our 5th annual Celebration of Life, Longwood Gardens has graciously donated two admission tickets! Thank you so much! #shanesfuturedays #helpshanefightcancer #celebrationoflife #sfdcol
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