Birthday surprises
The morning of his 4th Birthday, (7/11), Paul and I received an email from Dr. Keller, the researcher from cc-tdi.
He was asking if it was OK to feature Shane and our family in a grassroots crowdfunding campaign for their Legacy Gift program.
The email was truly a gift to us because he had this to say:
” I know it must be bittersweet to hear that we use Shane’s cells and mice as our ‘ultimate test case’ to make decisions about promising drugs, but it’s equally his story and your passion for future families that make Shane’s memory prominent in our minds each day.”
This means everything to us. It’s Shane’s legacy and what we can tribute to help find a cure so that other families do not have to go through what we did.
Research like this is the key to understanding these rare cancers.
We will proudly be donating the research funds raised from our 3rd annual Celebration of Life to this campaign.
For those of you who wished you could have attended and/or wanted to contribute, please consider a small donation to this campaign in memory of Shane.
CureFast: creating a Legacy by accelerating Childhood Cancer Research
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