#tailgate4good proceeds donation

On Thursday, August 4, 2016, we donated the money raised from our Pearl Jam #tailgate4good with the Phan Cave to Dana Farber Cancer Center. The money will go towards their genetic research of rhabdomyosarcoma in memory of Baby Shane.

A lot of memories came rushing back as we pulled into the parking garage. It was there, that we came to the realization that not much more could be done for Shane in terms of treatment options. We appreciated all that was said during our meeting. It was very helpful to us as we moved forward in our journey. It was important to us to relay that back to them.

The check presentation was held outside of the Jimmy Fund oncology clinic. Sadly, the clinic was full of children. It was a difficult moment for us. However, this is why we do all of this. Without money for research, these clinics will always be filled. In terms of certain types of cancers, it’s almost up to the parents to go out and seek funding for better treatment options in hopes of a cure.


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