September is almost here
The reality that summer is almost over is upon us. September is not just the start of the school year for us, but more importantly it’s our month to raise our voices even higher than normal about Childhood Cancer.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
This year is our busiest yet.
We are proud to be apart of the proclamation in Pennsylvania which declares September Childhood Cancer Awareness month. We received the official document from Governor Wolf on Shane’s 4th birthday.
The growing awareness of childhood cancer has brought about many events throughout the month which we can all be involved in. I will post them as they come along.
Shane’s Future Days is working with Kendra Scott in Ardmore, PA to help host a Shop for a Cause event on September 7th to benefit our foundation in honor of Shane and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
We hope to see many locals out on that night to help kick start what we hope will be a BIG month for bringing to light a battle that continues throughout the months, years and really, forever, for families affected by childhood cancer.
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