Day 6: On March 24, 2014 we became aware. Shane was just 8 months old.
Day 5: Even though Shane’s life ended before it began, he is a hero. He fought just as hard as those who survived. He has left his mark on us and others touched by his gentle spirit. We continue his fight and for children like him. Someday his cancer will have more options, better, Read More
Day 4: Shop for a Cause! Head to the store or call up with an order on Thursday, September 7, 2017 from 6PM – 8PM and say it’s for Shane’s Future Days and Kendra Scott in Suburban Square will donate 20% back to us. We will be using the funds raised for our Holiday, Read More
The reality that summer is almost over is upon us. September is not just the start of the school year for us, but more importantly it’s our month to raise our voices even higher than normal about Childhood Cancer. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This year is our busiest yet. We are proud, Read More
September 30: Today is the last day of childhood cancer awareness month. For families who have been touched by childhood cancer, it never ends….even in death. This month,1,290 children have been diagnosed with cancer and approximately 163 died this month from cancer. Our mission for Shane’s Future Days is to continue to raise money for research, Read More
Day 29: September is almost over, but our fight for awareness, research and assistance doesn’t end when the month does. Thank you for reading our posts, liking our page, sharing our page and helping to spread the reality of childhood cancer. We don’t just do this to give meaning to Shane’s life, but for, Read More
Day 25: Two years ago, we gathered by the Swann Fountain on the Ben Franklin Parkway surrounded by many family and friends. It was the CHOP Parkway Walk/Run benefiting the oncology unit. It was an amazing experience. Shane was doing well and we were so full of hope and determination. It was perfect and, Read More
I’ve been using September to raise awareness for childhood cancer, as it’s the “designated” month for childhood cancer. In reality, everyday is a day for awareness when you have gone through what we have. I look around the stores and besides seeing Halloween decorations out before school started, I’m now seeing Christmas themes. If, Read More
Making Childhood Cancer a National Priority Take a moment and read this powerful article written by Jonathan Agin. He is one of the strongest voices within the childhood cancer community. After losing his daughter to DIPG, he has made his life’s mission about advocacy for our children. childhood_cancer_noahs_ark_and_my_daughter_110094.html
Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts of Shane. It’s very touching to read your words and to know how impactful Shane has been. I don’t write these posts because I think I’m strong or wish to be inspirational. The only motivation I have is to bring to light the, Read More
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