September is childhood cancer awareness month. We decided it is the perfect time to host our first in person fundraising event in two years! Bowl Over Childhood cancer is on September 24, 2022 from 1-5pm at South Bowl! Ticket prices are $50 for adults and $25 for kids. The price includes: bowling, shoe rental,, Read More
CHOP contacted us in the Fall about an article they were writing highlighting the Palliative Care Team (PACT). They asked if we would like to contribute and of course we did. They had a photographer come out and take pictures of Chase & Ella working with their child life specialist, Kelly. They were making, Read More
Thank you to Jennie Rose, Amanda Seguinot, Lorac Nedgo and Deborah Pann for your generous donations. The Target Cuthbert Blvd made an incredible $500 gift card donation to the CHOP PACT team on behalf of Shane’s Future Days. Thank you for supporting the PACT families and issuing these gift cards in Shane’s name❤️ We, Read More
The 21st is almost here and I wanted to pause and say THANK YOU to those who helped Shane’s Future Days brighten families affected by childhood cancer this holiday season. -Our CHOP PACT team gift card drive and Holiday Gift Drive Not only were we able to donate over $500 in gift cards, we, Read More
The care Shane and his siblings received from Kelly and this program is nothing short of amazing. The emotional well being of a child and their siblings through and after a cancer diagnosis is something that should not be overlooked. We are forever grateful for the skills and outlets, this program has given our, Read More
Today was the first day of the kid’s spring break. It was also a perfect day for their child life specialist from CHOP’s PACT team to visit. Did you know that March is child life specialist month? These positions are fully funded by donations. They are incredibly important to the emotional well being of, Read More
Day 25: Two years ago, we gathered by the Swann Fountain on the Ben Franklin Parkway surrounded by many family and friends. It was the CHOP Parkway Walk/Run benefiting the oncology unit. It was an amazing experience. Shane was doing well and we were so full of hope and determination. It was perfect and, Read More
Our magic number for CHOP was 101.4. Once Shane was diagnosed and we had our “team cancer meeting,” they tell you you need to attend a cancer 101 course through the hospital. Whoever was going to be involved in Shane’s care was urged to attend. The most important topic of that meeting was the, Read More
Our goal as parents are not only to raise kind and loving children, but for them to realize the world is bigger than themselves. Chase wanted to do an Alex’s Lemonade Stand ever since Shane was diagnosed. Last year, he successfully raised over $1400. He enjoyed doing it so much, he committed to doing, Read More
Two weeks ago tomorrow, Ella had her tonsils and adenoids removed. It was deemed necessary and so we headed back into a medical setting. Everything went well. It was all a familiar in terms of pre-surgery and post-surgery. The whole process brought back a lot of memories for Paul and I. It also brought, Read More
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